Biopic Celine Dion. It's a relief that — because the verve of Celine Dion could not possibly be captured by one single biopic — there is another Dion-based film in development. Celine Dion's life is set to be made into a biopic movie, Variety has revealed exclusively.
Nadat eerder bekend was geworden dat de film The Power of Love in productie is, blijkt nu ook Céline Before Celine in de maak.
Tell Him the video for Celine Dion and Barbra Streisand's timeless duet is now out in HD!.
Az ikonná vált kanadai énekesnő, Céline Dion törénete elevenedik meg ebben a feldolgozásban. In an interview with Ellen, actress Cate Blanchett confesses she wants to act as singer Céline Dion if a movie about the Canadian singer is ever made. According to Variety, Dion has authorized The Power Of Love and granted the rights to her music.