Biopic Chaplin. As a movie director, he was unsure and obsessively methodical. Many people are fascinated with the lives of celebrities, however, so biopics are the best way to learn about all of the ins and outs of a specific celebrity's life.
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd and others.
Narrado por James Mason y estrenado originalmente en la televisión británica, Unknown Chaplin divide sus dos horas y media de.
Further support comes from the BFI National Archive's world-class collections and Chaplin's World by. He won his fame by reinventing himself as a universal. Чарли Чаплин - известный американский актер, композитор, сценарист. Наиболее известен по образу бродяжки Чарли. He was perfectly willing to spend hours or days on one shot or gag until he had it exactly right.