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Biopic Is. We watched a biopic about Beethoven. Biopic definition is - a biographical movie.
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It uses modern technologies for finding and recognizing faces, processing photos, which allows to automatically create photobiograpies from. 'The biopic is the actor's opportunity to shine - to blend with his character, melt into the role.' 'Fact and fiction are welded so that the genre of the biopic has no meaning in the canons of joined-up. Portman's biopic of Israeli writer is earnest, ethereal. A film or television biography, often with fictionalized scenes.
Biopic definition, a biographical movie or TV show.
For as long as I can remember, I've pronounced it incorrectly. is that biopic is a motion picture based on the life (or lives) of a real, rather than fictional, person (or people) while biography is a person's life story, especially one published.
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Define biopic. biopic synonyms, biopic pronunciation, biopic translation, English dictionary definition of biopic. n. The misle for BIopic is biOPic. Did you read "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee in school, or know a student who is about to?